Our Mission
Everything we do at Blue Wolf Martial Arts is geared toward guiding students to become the best version of themselves possible inside & out. We teach them how to apply the traditional values and principles to a variety of life situations. We teach these values and principles through the holistic medium of traditional martial arts.
Our Value
At Blue Wolf Martial Arts, we provide traditional martial arts training, teaching students to strive for the highest possible level both as martial artists and human beings.
Our Vision
Our vision at Blue Wolf Martial Arts is to grow into a larger and more diverse organization dedicated to producing excellent martial artists who emerge better equipped to contribute as healthy, happy and safe members of their families and their communities.
About Our Logo
The Symbolism of the Wolf
The wolf symbolizes communication, intelligence, freedom, loyalty, instinct, love, ferocity, curiosity, protection, teamwork, courageousness, strength, etc...
The Symbolism of the Color Blue
"The color of trust and loyalty. Blue has a calming and relaxing effect on our psyche, that gives us peace and makes us feel confident and secure. It dislikes confrontation and too much attention, but it is an honest, reliable, and responsible color and you can always count on its support."
- Jacob Olesen
The Symbolism of the Color Gray
"The color of compromise and control. Gray is neutral, conservative, and unemotional. It is practically solid as a rock, making it incredibly stable, reliable, and calming. It has a peaceful, relaxing, and soothing presence. Gray avoids attention but offers mature, insightful advice to anyone who asks.”
- Jacob Olesen
Symbolism of the Blue Wolf Patch and Logo
The goal is not to seek to harm others, but to protect the ones we love above all else, as a wolf pack. This is not accomplished through hatred, but rather through strength & courage tempered with compassion & mercy.
David Cameron
Chief Instructor
My Martial Arts Journey
I began my martial arts journey at the age of 6 years old in Taekwondo. I continued in Taekwondo for 9 years, during which I attained the rank of 1st degree black belt. I left Taekwondo to start training in the disciplines of Isshinryu Karate & Ryukyu Kobudo. During my time in these disciplines, I have had many wonderful opportunities to travel the country (and later the world) to compete and train with many great martial arts masters from a variety of different disciplines.
Now as an instructor and school owner, I have shifted my focus to teaching and passing my knowledge down to those interested in learning the traditional martial arts I have had the pleasure of practicing. I prefer traditional teaching methods which impart age-old values including genuine respect, courage, honesty, integrity, humility, and gratitude. I strive to model and teach these values through example, discussion, games, and direct instruction. I teach conscious awareness of self, others, and the surroundings. These are necessary elements for safety and defense of self and others. In every step and in every technique, students learn meanings which can be applied in self-defense, in schools, in work, and in life. I teach students to learn and find meaning in their actions and to always act with purpose and control which aid in the development of self-respect and self-confidence. Through sparing, students will learn the effects of their actions on others and how to control themselves in a free-flowing environment. All this is done with the required attitude of bettering themselves and the others in the class.
Teaching Qualifications
Isshinryu Karate
Certified I.W.K.A. Insturctor
Ryukyu Kobudo
1st Degree Black Belt
Isshinryu Karate
Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
Ryukyu Kobudo
Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt)
Competitions & Awards
I.W.K.A. World Championships
Princeton, NJ (2015)
Gold in Intermediate Kata/Forms
Bronze in Intermediate Kumite/Sparring
Augusta, MA (2017)
Gold in Advanced Weaponry
Bronze in Advanced Kumite/Sparring
18+ Kyu Rank Kata Grand Champion
London, UK (2019)
Silver in Black Belt Sparing
Bronze in Black Belt Weaponry
W.K.F. International Martial Arts Convention & Competition
Rochester, MA (2016)
Assistant Instructor
Seminar Participant
Athens, Greece (2018)
Silver in Black Belt Kata/Forms
Bronze in Black Belt Weaponry
Seminar Participant
Isshinryu Hall of Fame Tournament
Gatlinburg, TN (2015)
Silver in Intermediate Kata/Forms
Bronze in Intermediate Kumite/Sparring
18+ Competitor of the Year Finalist
2013 Recipient of the Brian Montgomery Spirit Award
Some of our Favorite Quotes
Often during our normal classes and especially in our Philosophical Discussion/Meditation program, we will bring up various topics, situations, characteristics, and ideas with the goal of increasing self-confidence, goal-setting abilities, and overall helping each other to grow as martial artists and members of our community and families.
“The dojo is for training those who want to be their best.”
As a dojo we try to not only instruct people on the ways of the martial arts, but we have a deep desire to help each and every person grow to their fullest potential and be the best person they can be.
“The greatest gift a sensei can pass on to a student is not the skills of punching and kicking, but rather to instill humbleness, compassion, and courage."
— Prince Loeffler
"Do not train to become a better fighter, train to become a better person."
One goal of the martial arts is to train good fighters, yes...but it is more important to be a good person.
Our school, through the help of our instructors, focuses on developing good people who are strong enough to stand up for what is right no matter what the circumstances. Be it defending themselves, defending their friends and loved ones, or be it something as simple as looking out for the welfare of someone who is unable to.
"If there is effort there is always accomplishment."
- Jigoro Kano
"A lot of people give up just before they are about to make it. You never know when that obstacle is going to be the last one."
- Chuck Norris
"Wearing a black belt means you never gave up, worked past the pain, overcame the disappointments, did not cave into your doubts, faced your fears, and learned enough to realize how little you actually know."
"You will never always be motivated. You have to learn to be disciplined."
"The first discipline of the martial arts is showing up for class."
"When I lost my excuses, I found my results."
All the things the martial arts has to offer are great...but, how can you take advantage of these things to their fullest extent if you are not present?
Don't let yourself make unnecessary excuses that will impede your ability to achieve what you desire.
"It is not about perfect. It is about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that is where transformation happens. That is how change occurs."
- Jillian Michaels
"The purpose of today's training is to defeat yesterday's understanding."
- Miyamoto Musashi
Every class we all strive not for perfection, but for progress. That means every day you try to push your limits to become better in everything you do, inside and outside the dojo.
"There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But, with hard work, there are no limits."
- Michael Phelps